Originally published on LinkedIn
By SingleSource | March 8, 2024
International Women’s Day is a day to recognize and celebrate women’s achievements around the world. Every year, we are proud to celebrate the talented women who work at SingleSource, and who are represented at all levels throughout our organization, especially in our leadership team.
This year, we asked 10 of our women leaders for their thoughts on what IWD means, and what advice they have to share with other women who aspire to pursue leadership roles in the mortgage industry. Check out their responses below.
Ashley Abbondanza, Senior Vice President of Technology & Process Improvement
As a female leader in the mortgage industry, my foremost advice to aspiring women is to recognize the cyclical nature of this field but not to be confined by it. At SingleSource and within this industry, I am consistently probing what lies ahead, charting our course, and seeking opportunities for improvement. The key lies in embracing the challenge of perpetual reinvention, both personally and within our teams, as this is where true innovation thrives. Surround yourself with individuals who share a hunger for learning and aren’t afraid to pose difficult questions that push you beyond your comfort zone.
Stacey Bayley, Senior Vice President of Sales & Performance Management
My advice is to 1) Support other women. The industry has had so much positive change over the last 20+ years and we need to continue to advance other women in our field. Find experienced female leaders who can provide guidance advice and support as well as look to be a mentor to women entering the field.
2) Advocate for yourself and have confidence in your abilities. Never be afraid to speak up and share your thoughts and ideas. Constantly look for new challenges that push your boundaries and teach you new skills.
3) Be the best version of you. We are always learning and adapting to the situations around us, but that doesn’t mean we have to fundamentally change to make others happy. While striving to reach your potential, stay true to your values and goals!
Chrissy Ziccardi, Senior Director of Title & Client Relations
I think being a woman in leadership shows that SingleSource embraces gender equality. Our ownership team empowers the women leaders to act on challenges and assist in continuing to grow the organization. In a time when Women’s Rights are being challenged at multiple levels—SingleSource has never diminished our leadership capabilities.
My advice to any woman would be to never allow someone to tell you it is not possible to excel in a leadership role. The only person to hold you back is yourself. I started in the industry calling tax offices and asking if the taxes on a property are paid. As the years went on, I evolved into various leadership positions. I was fortunate to have an industry mentor (Thank You Kathleen Krol) who guided me in not only the practices of our industry—but also in the management of people and business.
Jodi Bell, Vice President of National Sales
I have been fortunate to not have many barriers preventing me from becoming whomever I want to be, and International Women’s Day provides an opportunity to reflect and give thanks to the women who paved the path in front of me making my achievements possible. I strongly believe we should always have respect for others, and that everyone is a leader and has something to contribute regardless of the path they select.
I am lucky to work with an amazing team at SingleSource who believe in equality, support me, and push me to be my better self. One of my favorite quotes is from Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” I hope to also provide a path for the generation of women behind me – to inspire them to fight for what they believe in and to accept and embrace change because you cannot grow without it.
Danica Lurito, Vice President of People Operations
To me, International Women’s Day is a day to reflect on women’s achievements in the past and present. It spotlights how much has been accomplished since 1911, when the 1st International Women’s Day was celebrated, and the barriers that continue to be broken by women for equal opportunities. I personally like to work with the next generation to inspire those younger women to continue the work that generations have started before us. I am honored to represent SingleSource as a female leader and glad to share this platform with our many other female leaders.
Elspeth Spransy, Field Services
My mother empowered me to learn from successful women in various professional and academic fields. Her support made me confident and committed to every role I have ever assumed. Little did I know that the foundation she built for me was so critical in the “real world.”
Throughout my career, I have seen barriers women face to excel in their careers. I have seen women’s contributions be marginalized and their efforts challenged for being “bossy” when they were simply trying to serve a role in an organization as a leader. Knowing that these issues do happen in corporate settings, I can be a powerful advocate in standing against such inequity. I am thankful to not see such obstacles at SingleSource and even more grateful to serve as a contributor to such a valued organization. IWD is a reminder that women are worthy of a gender-equal world and workplace and that I can be a part of achieving that goal.
Collaboration, teamwork, and constant effort to improve have made me successful. My advice is to partner with those who support, celebrate, and inspire you. Learn their good habits and be the role model you personally want to have, to help others succeed. Know that you are worthy of respect, opportunity, and success. If you don’t have this in your current role, then I encourage you to find a role that values you.
Emily O’Connell, Director of Field Services
Personally, International Women’s Day means that no matter what role a woman plays they impact the entire world in some way. As I work alongside a handful of other women leaders at SingleSource, I feel that International Women’s Day has had a positive impact related to gender equality within the organization.
There are many lines of business within the mortgage industry that depend on one another. Therefore, as a female leader in the mortgage industry, I would advise other women that they need to collaborate and support their colleagues, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, political stand, etc.
Eileen Papariella, Director of REO Asset Management
International Women’s Day means listening to other women’s stories and sharing our challenges and how to overcome them, which allows us to connect and not feel alone in our struggles to balance work and home life.
My advice is to aspire to always do more by strategizing ways to work smarter, not always harder. Use your unique point of view to make your own way. Don’t be afraid to challenge the way things have always been done.
Erica Giorgiantonio, Senior Director of Field Services
Culture and people are extremely important to me. SingleSource provides a supportive environment where in addition to strong skill sets our people are kind, energetic, and team-focused.
My advice is to always be kind. This is a small pond. You never know who you will work with or for.
Taylor Duch, Field Services
On IWD, I feel thankful to be working in an environment that is teeming with women in leadership! I can honestly say that women have been the driving force behind most of the important initiatives I’ve been involved with during my career. It is amazing to see the intellect, consideration, and balance we bring to the table.
There is no lack of strong women holding high leadership positions in this industry. I encourage women who aspire to pursue a leadership role to look for mentoring opportunities within their organizations as well as outside of them. There are so many women who are anxious to give back; you just have to ask.
We are thankful for all the talented women we have in our organization and the advice they have shared for future generations of women leaders in the mortgage industry. Together, we can inspire inclusion.
Pictured below are some of the women in the office today – we wanted to thank them as well as our remote staff across the country.

Happy International Women’s Day from all of us at SingleSource!